Week 38 (6/22-28/14)
Holy moly! 2 weeks left?!? Shit's gettin real! The last month had been going by really fast, but it is suddenly going by v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y. We are SO ready to meet Viv! We know she'll come when she's ready, but I really wish she was as ready as we are! Plus, I am miserable! So uncomfortable, hot (did I mention it's a steady 105+ degrees here?), and exhausted! I do have to say though... I'm pretty impressed with myself... I've managed to continue shaving and painting my own toenails all the way up to this point (not that I can see what I'm doing...). Adam did remove my old nail polish, but that was about as much of his man card that he would give me. I can't blame him since he is surrounded by girls and pink already!
Speaking of Adam, his beloved Play Station 3 died. How so very sad. His solution was to buy a new $2500 Apple computer with gaming capabilities... ummm NO! Did he forget we're having a GIRL child, AND I'm leaving work?! I told him he better fix it for cheap or he'll just have to act like a true 31 year old (although I did like the PS3 since I use it to watch blu-ray and netflix). So, he found a YouTube tutorial on how to fix it, which apparently involves cooking the dang thing. Yep! You heard me right. He woke me up one morning asking if he could use my Pyrex to heat up his PS3. Again.... ummmm NO! So this was his solution for that:
That's 2 2x4's and a PS3 board on my stove... PS he also turned on the wrong burner at first and almost burned down my kitchen. Fun times. I have to say though, he DID get it working! I'm impressed!
Speaking of crazy... I found myself turning into Erin Brockovich... mainly because I've been watching too much Erin Brockovich. I was convinced that the water I've been drinking for the last 9 months is contaminated. I do have legit reasons like we have a separate water company from Tucson and we have hard water/calcium build up, BUT everyone will be happy to hear that it's clean! You may all now sleep tonight.
Tuesday was Adam's 31st birthday! Unfortunately we did't get to do anything for his actual birthday since it was "night week" and he was flying until midnight Monday and Wednesday. Plus, I hadn't really planned anything big since I was convinced we were going to have a newborn by then... NOPE! He also threw a fit prior saying he didn't want to share his birthday with Viv, but then the day after agreed it would have been a pretty cool birthday gift. Fickle much?
I also went back to the doc on Tuesday... 2cm, 60% effaced and -1 station. Not much change... Viv is definitely a little too comfy in there! We'l see if she tries to make her debut anytime soon.
We had people come and deep clean our house on Wednesday.... glorious! Now we're really ready to get this show on the road!
Work update: Last Friday was my official last day at University of Arizona.. pretty bittersweet, but definitely time to relax! I'm still working for Pima Community College and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future since it's mostly online and they'll allow me to continue when we move to Oklahoma.
Friday night we went to Flemings Steakhouse for Adam's birthday with a few friends. More gloriousness. Then Saturday we went to Adam's flight commander's house for dinner. I'm happy to report that I did not have to fake labor again since he was very well behaved this time. The commander's wife even commented on how impressed she was with him when he turned down a drink (in front of the other guys) because "he made a promise". Yeah, he got shit for that, but not as much as he would have received from me... so well played, my love.
Due Date: 7/7/14!! I'm beginning to believe more and more everyday that this date will be reached or surpassed... We're READY!!
The baby is the size of: a pumpkin.... A freakin pumpkin people!!? 18.9-20.9in and 6.2-9.2 lbs
"Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. She's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once she starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: She’s continuing to add fat (so she can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning her brain and nervous system (so she can deal with all the stimulation that awaits him once he makes his entrance into the world)." http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/week-38.aspx
Gender: It's a girl!!
Symptoms: Other than the misery I described above, nothing else has really changed... I have more energy, but I hit a wall by 5pm and am usually in bed by 7 or 8. I still have the sinusitis (constant stuffy nose).. especially when I eat?? Frequent headaches, hip/joint pain, and I pee all the time! like I have to pee after I pee... So, needless to say with the hip pain and peeing, I don't get much sleep either! She moves all of the time and there's not a whole lot of room in there anymore so it feels pretty crazy! It's VERY difficult to bend over or get comfortable. I'm ALWAYS hot, tired and hungry, and "Pregnancy Brain" is now SERIOUSLY no joke! The nesting has pretty much settled.
Sleep: pretty much impossible! I get up every hour to pee and reposition. My snoogle is my best friend right now though!!
Cravings: I'm loving lara bars, tea, salads, sandwiches, smoothies and FRUIT, and ice cream! Basically anything cold. And this week was all about sweets!
Food Aversions: STILL can’t do bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, whole tomatoes or certain kinds of meat (especially chicken).
Total Weight Gain: 20lbs and 12 inches around my waist! Lil G is growing! and I'm beginning to feel large and in charge!