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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Vivian Paige: 6 months!


6 months! It's Viv's HALF Birthday!!

Viv this month:
At her "6 month" appointment (at 5.5 weeks) She was 13lbs 13oz (20th percentile....hard to believe with those chubby thighs) and 25in (50th percentile... hard to believe with her short mama)
The doctor also said she is on the developmental level of an 8-9 month old.. eek! Stop growing baby genius! 
Wearing 6-9 month clothes
EVERYTHING must go in the mouth.
She really wants to play with Lola, but Lo is still taking things slowly...
Still a great sleeper. We finally have a consistent bedtime AND nap schedule
Still breast feeding like a champ! She's eating less often, which is nice to finally have some freedom!
She loves to haboo (basically my family's term for petting) my neck and face when she's nursing or being rocked to sleep. 
She also likes to put her hands in my mouth when I'm nursing her... odd, I know, but whatever works..
If she's upset in her car seat, I can tap on her paci and all is better in the world...

-Sitting up
-Crawling: She can army crawl ALL over the place. She's pushing up on her hands and knees... ready to crawl, but still can't figure out the whole coordination thing. ANY day now! 
-Very "talkative" and loves to coo and babble
-Mimicking (she'll blow bubbles after I do)
-She reaches for me when she wants to be held... melts my heart!
-She can put her paci in her mouth on her own

Likes (this month)
-Playing with (and eating) her feet
-TV (I rarely have it on, but she can spot one from a mile away) and my phone, and my computer
-Books (reading them AND eating them...)
-Dogs and 7 year olds... she immediately giggles when either is in her presence..
-Putting things in her mouth (yes, she likes it that much)

Dislikes (this month)
-Nothing new, but she still REALLY hates having her nose cleaned

This was a great month! Lots of fun milestones and of course just all around the best time of the year! I think Viv loves Christmas as much as her momma does :)

Adam surprised us by taking us to the AWESOMELY AMAZING Rhema Christmas Lights (seriously incredible)......

Adam' Squadron Christmas Party:

Christmas at The Gazdas

 Dying to get her hands on Lo...

You can't really tell, but I'm showing Viv the ornament we made with her ultrasound picture... that's how we announced our pregnancy to our family last Christmas! She was impressed

Loving her Nonnie's tree too

First Christmas as a family of 3 (4) in Galveston!!

She loves her monkeys...

Before Christmas Eve Mass

My little doll baby

4 generations! Love these women!

Viv with Meme

Viv with Pop and PaPaw

Viv with Nonnie

 Her and Ty are like peas and carrots

Viv with her Aunti Wissa ;)


Ty & Cole love their cousin!

A 7 year old acting like a monkey! Viv was in heaven!

Morning cuddles. Don't zoom in...

We were able to stop and see Mimi on our way through Dallas!

Opening gifts from Auntie Nicole

Meeting Aunt Pam for the first time!

Trying to crawl. Love that little tush!

 Hanging out in her crib

Learning to bake with Dad

That little tush..

Everything in the mouth..

Fell asleep playing with her cube Auntie Nicole bought her..

Cuddling her doll

She managed to get her foot out of her onesie to play with it..



Trying to figure out this whole car seat thing..

Flying Saucer..

Cind Lou Who?

NYE at the Phillips! Married 4 years on 1.1.15!

Great bunch of ladies!!