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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Ford Ryan: 18 months!


Ford this month:
-24lbs 32in 
-He is wearing 18mo-2T clothes, and size 5 diapers
-Sleeping 6pm to 7am, with 1 2-3 hour nap/day (except at school- that's hit or miss... FOMO). He still has to sleep with his "babies"- wubbanubs (pacifiers), but we are slowly taking them away... he now only has 3 in his bed (and 1 of the tips has been removed) instead of 4... like I said, SLOWLY
-He stared at a MDO that we loved in February, then transitioned to LHM with sister! He's in the pre-primary class and is doing so well!! He knocks, opens the door and walks right in all by himself. I'm not crying, you're crying.
-His little personality is truly coming through. He's the sweetest little guy and has the best smile, but you have to earn it (or just be mom). He's very analytical, loves to learn how things work and is very quick to catch on. He also has some killer common sense. His competitiveness is already showing and loves to play games.

-His vocabulary has EXPLODED over the last month! I'll be honest... I was a little concerned at his 18mo appointment last month (yes, it took me a month to post). I asked his pediatrician about his language development because he was maybe saying 8 words at the time. He told me to give it another month, and then we could revisit if I didn't notice improvement. Sure enough, true to form, he showed me! Ford's words: "ma, mama, da, dada, sissy, Lola, thank you, ball, truck, baby, bird, mine, more, done, this, that, hi, bye, yes, no, up, down, uh oh!, hot, wow!, eyes, nose, banana, cracker, yuck, trash" and combining 2 words like "more water" and counting... I don't think we'll need to revisit. He's a talker like his sister!
-He has all of his teeth except his 2 year molars (incisors are almost completely through)
-Pointing to his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, belly, hands and feet
-For a loooong time all animals made the same sound as a gorilla, now he has a horse, duck, snake, cow and pig down
-He's pretty much mastered eating with a plate and fork and drinking out of a regular cup... although he can't be fully trusted

-Planes (and their noises)
-Cars (and their noises)
-Playing with and mimicking his sister- he even puts on purses and bows and plays with lipstick.. sorry dad
-Loving on Lola, aka riding her
-Acting like a sumo wrestler- he loves wrestling sister
-Hide and seek... his favorite part is saying "BOO"
-Being tickled
-Playing ball. A single ball can keep him happy for hours! He has a great arm and loves to play catch!
-Playing in his cozy coupe truck
-Favorite books: The Little Blue Truck, Never Touch a Monster, Eyes, Peekaboo Baby, Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Faces, Airplanes
-Favorite foods: CARBS, cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, WAFFLES, ham, smoothies
-Vacuuming.. he'll make anything into a vacuum
-Walking/Running/Climbing all over the place... including on me, Lola and Viv- his own personal jungle gyms
-Figuring out how things work- pens, computers, light switches, KEYS are everything and open anything
-Bath time
-Eating sister's crayons, lotion, candles

-When someone else cries
-Being told "no"
-When the pantry is locked
-Diaper changes- like wrestling an alligator!

Look how I've grown!

Hangin with Sister





Starting school! (MDO then LHM)


Goofy guy!

That hair!

Dare devil!


And not really food...

Why my kid is crying....