I have felt as though God is working in me and through me more than ever lately. This feeling has been exciting and OVERWHELMING, and has given me more peace over my purpose and journey in this little life I get to lead. As you all know, I'm a sharer... maybe even an over-sharer. That's what I do. I love to hear people's stories and really learn who they are on the inside, so I share mine. And now, I think it's time to share a little bit more. SO, here it is, a little timeline...
I remember as a teenager, I’d stay up wayyy too late (imagine that!) and get sucked into infomercials about children in Africa. I’d cry and brainstorm ways I could solve all of their problems. While I was never led to a master plan, I “adopted” one once. I was able to provide some basic needs to a deserving child in Africa. That gave me a little peace for a little while.
In nursing school... over 13 years ago
I was beginning to think that crazy dream was just that, a dream...
Faaasssssst Forward....
October 2018: I’m cleaning out old files from my computer and come across a “life list” I created circa 2007. I laugh as I read through some of the frivolous things my 23 year old self wished for.... but then I came to number NINETEEN (as in 2019? is this a sign?): “AFRICA”. Just one word. I smiled and thought back to those conversations with Pop. Then moved on with my life.
November 14, 2018: I volunteer to help set up “A Christmas Gathering” (see 11/15) and leave feeling a little confused. I called my friend Courtney after... “It was just me and all of Denise’s friends setting up. I feel like a weird stalker... how was I the only random person there??” -Me. “God is working some kind of plan” -Courtney
November 15, 2018: I attend “A Christmas Gathering” put on by Denise Lopez with EveryDay Ministries. I haven’t missed this event since a sweet neighbor invited me after we moved to Tulsa in 2014. It’s a joyful and inspiring event filled with God’s word and how his hands are working in and around Tulsa and the world.... if that’s not enough, Denise adds in stories filled with with wit and sarcasm (a lady after my own heart), tips for decorating (again, my heart), entertaining (seriously
Learn more about EveryDay Ministry here OR here https://www.facebook.com/everydayministry/
November 25, 2018: Sunday morning. We contemplate skipping church because we’re still stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner, most of our church buddies were out of town, and we had a guest speaker... all good reasons to miss, right?? God didn’t think so, so he pushed me out of bed and we went. Brian Hunter was the guest speaker. You guys, in all my church days, I’ve never felt like God was speaking to me and me alone through a sermon as much as I did on this day. At the end of Brian's sermon, he asked that we stand if we felt that his word inspired something in our heart so he could pray over us. I.STOOD.UP! Y’all! And I was 1 of 6 out of about 400 people that stood when Brian asked us to single ourselves out to pray over what the Lord was speaking to us. My heart was jumping out of my chest. There was no getting out of this. Adam gave me a look. I went with it. After the sermon, I cried. I shared with Adam that I’d been struggling with finding purpose in getting my nurse practitioner degree. It’s been a burden on our family and I needed it to be for more than just a “job” or a “paycheck”. I’d been praying over it a LOT. God answered my prayers on this Sunday and said “AFRICA”. It all clicked. The reason I completed a masters degree in public health 8 years ago that until now seemed a little worthless. The reason I jumped into another medical degree with no clue where I'd go with it. The reason God sent me to church on this day. The reason I’m where I am now. The reason for me. My purpose. And everything in between. It’s for Africa.
I shared all of this with a few close friends just so I couldn’t back out later. “It sounds crazy, they are big dreams! I don’t expect anything to happen anytime soon. This is just something I hope to work toward... maybe 5, 10 years from now I’d like to start a medical mission in AFRICA”
February 14, 2019: Denise (reminder, I do not know Denise very well AT ALL) posts about an informational meeting about going to AFRICA. I smile and scroll.
February 15, 2019: There’s that post again. AFRICA. Scroll....
February 16, 2019: Denise’s post is at the top of my news feed. Again. Mind you, I share this with a friend later. She never saw the post. So OK, God! I’ll respond. I’ll hear what you have to say.
February 19, 2019: 6:55pm. I’m parked in front of Denise’s house. No.other.cars! I immediately check Facebook and verify my dates. Yep. It’s now. I walk into Denise’s (obviously) warm and cozy home and learn all about what God is doing through Everyday Ministry in Ghana. It’s pretty incredible, y’all. Pole barns constructed to be a school during the week and and a church on Sundays, a water well provided for the first taste of CLEAN drinking water, and just “everyday” needs for villagers in the brush of Ghana. At the end of the meeting (with just me and another friend of hers) she asks us to go home and pray over our decision...
So, I have continued to pray, and while I have shared this with many close friends and cleared it with the most important one, Adam, I have NO DOUBT in my mind where God needs me to be in July of 2019. AFRICA.
Side note: I have also said that Africa couldn't be possible until I am done with my Nurse Practitioner degree... I finish June 2019, the trip is July 2019. OK again, God.
So, I write this to share a BIG moment in my life and ask YOU for prayers over this journey. Pray that God continues to provide peace over this decision. Pray that my time in Africa brings others closer to Jesus. Pray that this mission trip opens a door to the path God has set out for me. Pray for my family as I leave them for over 10 days. And finally, pray for the people of Ghana. May we show them that there is a God who loves, lives, heals and forgives.
And finally. I have one more piece to share and one more request to make. One of the biggest concerns I had, aside from leaving my babies, is "how will I afford this?" I am not and have not worked in over a year! Money doesn't grow on trees, y'all! Well, guess what?! God provides. On February 20, 2019, the day after my meeting with Denise, I received a check in the mail from an insurance claim I have been fighting for over a YEAR. The total? The exact amount that it will cost to go. Now is that a "God wink" or what?? And now, while I would like to say everything is covered, unfortunately a large portion of that check had to go to something more immediate... adulting is NO FUN! So, I have prayed over this and feel as though I need to ask for help in fulfilling this mission. What I want most is prayer and support. I know God will provide. But, for those of you who feel led to give, here is the information to do so:
You can send ME a check made out to "EveryDay Ministry" (please do NOT put my name on it- tax law) please message me for my address.
OR you can give here: https://everydayministry.net/donate/#.XIwofhNKjEY
Put my name in the memo box online.
Your financial gift is 100% tax deductible.