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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lil' G Week 22

Week 22 (3/2-8/14)

This week was fairly uneventful... Lola is still in her bandage... we're all SO over it! I've been busy with work at both Pima and UofA.
We did get to drive up to Phoenix on Friday night to celebrate Lyle and Levi's Surprise 30th Birthday Party!! We had a great time!! 

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: a papaya!! 10.5in and 12.7oz
"This week, your baby weighs in at a whopping pound and measures nearly eight inches, about the size of a small doll. But your little doll (who now has eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe even some hair on that little head) is a living one who can now perceive light and dark. She can also hear your voice, your heartbeat, your gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through your body. And as her brain and nerve endings develop, she may reach for her face (or whatever she can reach) just to experiment with her newfound sense of touch."

Gender: It's a girl!! 

Symptoms: Much better! I have a lot more energy, but still nauseous most days. I also still have the sinusitis (constant stuffy nose).. especially when I eat?? Frequent headaches, hip/joint pain, and I pee all the time! like I have to pee after I pee... So, needless to say with the hip pain and peeing, I don't get much sleep either! She moves all of the time! but especially when I'm resting (or at least that's when I notice it more...). I also mentioned the crazy stretching feeling I get when I walk farther than a quarter mile (ridiculous I know) or go up stairs. It's different from round ligament pain (I have that too).... it feels like a ton of pressure and my belly is just going to pop! and of course it goes away when I rest. I still haven't bought my maternity belt... I just can't put another layer around my belly yet... 

Sleep: pretty much impossible! I get up every 2 hours to pee and reposition. My snoogle is my best friend right now though!!

Cravings What I can stomach: Like I said, the nausea is still around so food isn’t always appetizing, but at least my appetite is back! I'm loving OJ, kind bars, tea, salads and FRUIT! basically anything cold, so ice cream is fair game too! I found some Sea Salt Caramel gelato and am OBSESSED!

Food Aversions: Still can’t do bell peppers, mushrooms or certain kinds of meat.

Total Weight Gain: 8lbs and 5 inches around my waist! Lil G is growing! 

Activity: I’ve brought my “daily 300’s” down to “daily 150-200’s” (my hips aren’t handling squats and lunges too well), yoga twice a week, and I brought by my Turbo Jam DVD's for some leg/butt/arm workouts. 

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