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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dear Moms (the first 9 months)

So I’ve only been a mom for 9 months 12 days 7 hours and 28 minutes… but who’s counting? And I will be the first to say I’m NO expert! I think it’s safe to say no one is…. 
Before I became a mom, I wasn’t too worried. After all, I’d been a pediatric nurse for almost 7 years, and taught pediatric health and growth and development for over 3 years. So I should have this down, right? 


I will tell you, EVERYTHING I ever knew went completely out the window when I had my daughter. These tiny humans turn our brains into pure mush. Only 9 months in and I’ve done some pretty dumb things. Ask me a question about any child and I'll have an intelligent answer. Put my child in front of me with a splinter and I'll lose my shit. 

At my age, pretty much everyone I know has had or is having a baby. I’m surrounded by soon to be parents, new parents, and veteran parents. So, I've been reflecting on the last 9 months and what I'd want to share about my experience so far. There are things I wish I'd known, and even more things I was told, but didn't truly listen to. So here I am blogging. Mostly as a reminder for my next go round, but also for any moms out there that need to be reminded that everything is going to be ok.

First of all, the first 6 months felt like they were! Sleep is non-existent. You’re a human milk factory. You’re tired, exhausted, overwhelmed, and your body has taken on a form straight out of a sci-fi movie. What the HELL did I get myself into?? You despise your husband (and your dog) for the sleep they’re getting (anything is better than nothing), for their perfectly intact nipples, and for the fact that they still look human (or canine… which is better than you feel). Your hormones are on another level. First you hate your husband, then you feel guilty for the fact that he has to live with this mess. You cry over everything and nothing. You forget to eat, shower and even go to the bathroom. And you don't remember the last time you actually left your house.
Life will never be the same. Right? 


It gets easier. (and then it gets harder, and then it gets easier.... I hear this goes on for years)

Before you know it.....
Your child will sleep for longer than 45 minutes at a time. They will sleep in their own room, in their own crib, on a schedule, without you. 
You will be able to go longer than 3 minutes without looking at that damn video monitor. After all, we all survived without our parents hearing AND seeing everything we did while we slept. (which, let me tell you, isn’t much.)
They won't want to be held every second of the day.
They won't need you to feed them. They will be perfectly capable of doing it on their own.
Their day will be full of more giggles than cries.

Before you know it.....
You won't resent your husband for his ability to sleep through anything, for his unchanged body and perfectly intact nipples, and for the fact that he gets to go to work and hang out with adults.
You'll love your dog again too.
You'll go on dates.
You'll eat a hot meal.
You'll sleep... not as much as before, but you'll sleep.

Now looking back, it feels like these first 9 months lasted a minute (under water), and I'd do it all again in a heart beat. 

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