Can I just say, this little firecracker (no wonder she was born the day before the 4th of July... miss independent wasn't about to share her day with America), just makes our world brighter, our hearts bigger, and our understanding of love better. She will move mountains!
Viv lately
21lbs 32.5in. 1 percentile for weight, 18th for height. Doc ran some blood work and all came back normal. She's just a petite little thing!
18mo-2T clothes, but can still wear 9 month shorts and infant dresses as tops… she gets it from he momma :/
Still in size 4 diapers
Still in size 4 diapers
Still an awesome sleeper! 12-13 hour nights, 1 2-3h nap
She has 16 teeth
She is going to Montessori school 5 days/week 8:30-3 and she loves it! It's amazing to watch her grow and learn there!
She is a little sour patch kid! SO so sweet, but also very sassy and strong willed. Some days are just too much for me to bare. She's exhausting, but I remind myself that this strong and independent personality will pay off in the long run! She's a leader!
Tantrums can be on another level. She's gone up to an hour screaming/crying/inconsolable. It has gotten so bad that it brings me to tears.
She's learned to stop biting, but our current struggle is hitting and pushing... it has been a long road, but we seem to be getting past it as she learns to use words instead of hands. Wish us luck!
She had her cardiology follow up. Pretty traumatizing! She was NPO and no nap all morning... that does not make a happy 2 year old. She fought the sedation HARD! Then coming out of sedation was insane.... like dealing with a bipolar drunk friend! Results show her PDA has only grown slightly. We chose to do the closure sooner than later. Surgery is scheduled for February 2017.
Her "quirks"/demands have kept us on our toes... here are just a few...
She insists on wearing her princess night shirts ALL of the time! Everywhere. Getting ready for school is sometimes a challenge. We've had to get creative... allowing her to wear it under her clothes, over her clothes, or just carrying it with her
She has even gotten to the point where she insists I constantly wear my Mickey Mouse night shirt... I think it's because she associates it with me being home and she's having some separation anxiety again lately (maybe because she knows baby 2 is coming?)
We must always accessorize... bows and shoes are important even at home. as soon as we wake up
The things she 'needs' to bring in the car, to school or to bed are quite interesting... sunglasses, shoes, pillows (not to bed, in the car), puzzles, princess night gowns, books, sunscreen, food, she even got a gift with a bunch of random girly items (hair brush, hair dryer, princess shoes, make-up, phone) and she brought it to bed IN its original container...
She is going to Montessori school 5 days/week 8:30-3 and she loves it! It's amazing to watch her grow and learn there!
She is a little sour patch kid! SO so sweet, but also very sassy and strong willed. Some days are just too much for me to bare. She's exhausting, but I remind myself that this strong and independent personality will pay off in the long run! She's a leader!
Tantrums can be on another level. She's gone up to an hour screaming/crying/inconsolable. It has gotten so bad that it brings me to tears.
She's learned to stop biting, but our current struggle is hitting and pushing... it has been a long road, but we seem to be getting past it as she learns to use words instead of hands. Wish us luck!
She had her cardiology follow up. Pretty traumatizing! She was NPO and no nap all morning... that does not make a happy 2 year old. She fought the sedation HARD! Then coming out of sedation was insane.... like dealing with a bipolar drunk friend! Results show her PDA has only grown slightly. We chose to do the closure sooner than later. Surgery is scheduled for February 2017.
Her "quirks"/demands have kept us on our toes... here are just a few...
She insists on wearing her princess night shirts ALL of the time! Everywhere. Getting ready for school is sometimes a challenge. We've had to get creative... allowing her to wear it under her clothes, over her clothes, or just carrying it with her
She has even gotten to the point where she insists I constantly wear my Mickey Mouse night shirt... I think it's because she associates it with me being home and she's having some separation anxiety again lately (maybe because she knows baby 2 is coming?)
We must always accessorize... bows and shoes are important even at home. as soon as we wake up
The things she 'needs' to bring in the car, to school or to bed are quite interesting... sunglasses, shoes, pillows (not to bed, in the car), puzzles, princess night gowns, books, sunscreen, food, she even got a gift with a bunch of random girly items (hair brush, hair dryer, princess shoes, make-up, phone) and she brought it to bed IN its original container...
Words: Her vocabulary has exploded!! She surprises us everyday with new words and phrases. I can understand her, but not everyone can.. typical toddler talk. My favorite phrase right now is "Come on, mama" the way she says it is just adorable. I got it on video! She used to say "Yeass" in a really cute way and I missed out on recording it before she stopped. lesson learned.
She is also very inquisitive and curious. I'm constantly hearing "what's that?" and "what are you dooooiing?" in the sweetest voice.
And her words are showing how much she's growing. "Mama" has been replaced with "mommy" "mom", and even sometimes "mum"
Her little run has also matured.. She used to run with her little arms folded up closely by her side, but now she runs like a little person
She is also very inquisitive and curious. I'm constantly hearing "what's that?" and "what are you dooooiing?" in the sweetest voice.
And her words are showing how much she's growing. "Mama" has been replaced with "mommy" "mom", and even sometimes "mum"
Her little run has also matured.. She used to run with her little arms folded up closely by her side, but now she runs like a little person
She is very active! Running, jumping, climbing, somersaults
Spinning in circles... she likes to pretend to be a ballerina
She's very interested in potty training! At 22 months we were getting close, but she accidentally pooped in the tub (pretty hilarious I thought), but it freaked her out so she wanted nothing to do with her bodily functions going anywhere but a diaper. At 2+ we're interested again... we'll see what happens as baby 2 arrivesShe's still in her crib... keeping the beast caged for as long as possible!
Blowing kisses
Sesame street
Playing pretend- kitchen, babies, shopping, cooking
Playing pretend- kitchen, babies, shopping, cooking
Her babies- she rocks them, changes their diaper, feeds them, and puts them in time out when they're "bad"
Her babies- she rocks them, changes their diaper, feeds them, and puts them in time out when they're "bad"
Music and dancing! She will stop and dance to anything that even resembles music!
She loves collecting and carrying things around, and then putting them back where they belong... she might have a little of mom's OCD. When she takes her shoes off, she puts her socks in them and puts them away... so proud
She carries ODD things around the house.... plastic, glass and stainless steel containers, medicine bottles, a bottle of bitters.... yes all very safe things.
Playing in the shower (no water, just the shower stall)
Little Gym
Climbing on everything... she even uses Lola when she can't reach...
Standing on things she shouldn't
She carries ODD things around the house.... plastic, glass and stainless steel containers, medicine bottles, a bottle of bitters.... yes all very safe things.
Playing in the shower (no water, just the shower stall)
Little Gym
Climbing on everything... she even uses Lola when she can't reach...
Standing on things she shouldn't
Bath time
Giving (BIG) kisses
Giving (BIG) kisses
Running and giving hugs
Haboo (our word for rubbing her back)
Haboo (our word for rubbing her back)
Disney/Pixar movies (we've watched a lot while mom has been VERY pregnant and exhausted). Faves are Monsters, Tangled, UP, Nemo, Zootopia
Cooking with mom
Food: bread/TOOAAST, crackers, peanut butter, watermelon, grapes, cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, pizza, DIP, chicken taquitos, bananas, apples, oranges, making smoothies, cereal "bars"
She LOVES to dip her food... in ketchup, ranch, chips/dip, you name it.... the things she dips in ketchup turns my stomach
Disney/Pixar movies (we've watched a lot while mom has been VERY pregnant and exhausted). Faves are Monsters, Tangled, UP, Nemo, Zootopia
Cooking with mom
Food: bread/TOOAAST, crackers, peanut butter, watermelon, grapes, cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, pizza, DIP, chicken taquitos, bananas, apples, oranges, making smoothies, cereal "bars"
She LOVES to dip her food... in ketchup, ranch, chips/dip, you name it.... the things she dips in ketchup turns my stomach
Not getting her way
Going outside at the beginning of school (we think this diva prefers to not get hot, sweaty and sandy at the beginning of the day). She likes hanging out with the teachers and having all of the inside toys to herself
The last night Viv was a 1 year old:
Viv's 2nd Birthday (Tulsa & Galveston Celebration):
2 year photos:
Trip to Branson, MO with the Moores (January 2016):
Trip to Breckinridge, CO with the family (February 2016):
Viv got sick :(, so did mommy
Galveston beach:
Tulsa zoo:
Trip to Broken Bow, OK with the Hickeys and Zukoffs (May 2016):

Galveston beach again, she loved it but didn't like the sand sticking to her....
Houston zoo with Nonnie and PawPaw
Park with Dad... Our little monkey
Chuck E Cheese with Nonnie:
Schlitterbahn with JB, Amy, Ty & Cole (July 2016):
Leaving Grace MDO:
We'll miss Ms. Lori
Lake Hills Montessori:
Daddy takes her to get ice cream every Friday:
Little Gym:
Viv and Sawyer:
Viv and James:
Viv, Porter and Owen:
Viv and Sadie:
Viv and Holden:
Meeting baby Hadley:
Viv and Lola:
Viv and Family:
Silly Viv:
Yes, she's eating Tony's
And I caught her chewing on a tampon...
Using the trash can as a table...
Ready to travel:
What mess?
Loves mommy's make-up:
Swinging! Higher!
Guac. YUM!
We must bring ALL stuffed animals:
Silly in Wissa's shoes:
Hanging out in the mamaroo:
We needed to get dressed up after bath:
Just watering flowers in our apron:
Ready for swim lessons!
More stuffed animals!
Jail break!
Just eating our toes...
Enough tattoos?
Ready to go!
"Bringing Trendy Back"
Dad's boots and mom's jewelry bag...
Hiding in the laundry:
She wanted to go on a "nature walk" in the parking lot:
Eating with tongs:
Drawing on herself and trying to put on Rapunzel's shoes:
The bear fit perfectly in Rapunzel's shoes:
This is how she carried her stuff around.. in their original place:
She found this bug and said "Look mom! a bug! It's SO cute!! Take a picture". In the time it took me to grab my phone she said "I eat it! get out!"... I had to fish it out of her mouth.. little guy didn't make it...
She walks in heel in the grass better than I do...
Her morning outfit (one of her princess shirts):
And me in my night shirt...
Chef Viv:
Ketchup and carbs...
More of our girl:
First ponytail:
Her little house!
An image I'll always want to remember (picking out books in her sleep sack before bed):
Ice cream!
Toys needed to go potty...
Dippin dots... not for an OCD toddler lol!
Going outside at the beginning of school (we think this diva prefers to not get hot, sweaty and sandy at the beginning of the day). She likes hanging out with the teachers and having all of the inside toys to herself
The last night Viv was a 1 year old:
Viv's 2nd Birthday (Tulsa & Galveston Celebration):
2 year photos:
Trip to Branson, MO with the Moores (January 2016):
Trip to Breckinridge, CO with the family (February 2016):
Viv got sick :(, so did mommy
Galveston beach:
Tulsa zoo:
Trip to Broken Bow, OK with the Hickeys and Zukoffs (May 2016):

Galveston beach again, she loved it but didn't like the sand sticking to her....
Houston zoo with Nonnie and PawPaw
Park with Dad... Our little monkey
Chuck E Cheese with Nonnie:
Schlitterbahn with JB, Amy, Ty & Cole (July 2016):
Leaving Grace MDO:
We'll miss Ms. Lori
Lake Hills Montessori:
Daddy takes her to get ice cream every Friday:
Little Gym:
Viv and Sawyer:
Viv and James:
Viv and Caroline (CC):
Viv, Porter and Owen:
Viv and Sadie:
Viv and Holden:
Meeting baby Hadley:
Viv and Lola:
Viv and Family:
Daddy made it home from Poland with sweet gifts:
Silly Viv:
Yes, she's eating Tony's
And I caught her chewing on a tampon...
Using the trash can as a table...
Ready to travel:
What mess?
Loves mommy's make-up:
Swinging! Higher!
Guac. YUM!
We must bring ALL stuffed animals:
Silly in Wissa's shoes:
Hanging out in the mamaroo:
We needed to get dressed up after bath:
Just watering flowers in our apron:
Ready for swim lessons!
More stuffed animals!
Jail break!
Just eating our toes...
Enough tattoos?
Ready to go!
"Bringing Trendy Back"
Dad's boots and mom's jewelry bag...
Hiding in the laundry:
She wanted to go on a "nature walk" in the parking lot:
Eating with tongs:
Drawing on herself and trying to put on Rapunzel's shoes:
The bear fit perfectly in Rapunzel's shoes:
This is how she carried her stuff around.. in their original place:
She found this bug and said "Look mom! a bug! It's SO cute!! Take a picture". In the time it took me to grab my phone she said "I eat it! get out!"... I had to fish it out of her mouth.. little guy didn't make it...
She walks in heel in the grass better than I do...
Her morning outfit (one of her princess shirts):
And me in my night shirt...
Chef Viv:
Ketchup and carbs...
More of our girl:
First ponytail:
Her little house!
An image I'll always want to remember (picking out books in her sleep sack before bed):
Ice cream!
Toys needed to go potty...
Dippin dots... not for an OCD toddler lol!
Keep this going, I'm addicted! Viv Rocks! (Mommy and Daddy are pretty special too)