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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ford Ryan: 4 months


Ford Ryan is 4 months old!!

Ford this month:
-16.5lbs 26in 
-He is wearing 6-9 month clothes, and size 2 diapers (on the edge of size 3)
-He's such a happy baby!!! I totally get what people mean by "boy mom"... LOVE this guy!
-Sleep is a rollercoaster! We've had some ups and downs. He was sleeping in his rock-n-play (in our room) for all sleep. Going down between 8-10pm and waking around 6-7am, napping 2-3 times/day 30min- 4 hours (depending on his mood...). After Christmas, at 3.5mo we moved his rock-n-play to his room and he was sleeping GREAT in there too.... THEN we hit a sleep regression for about a week= ZERO sleep... awful!!! NOW we're in the crib, wearing merlin's magic sleep suit (look it up) and sleeping 7p-6a... he wakes himself around 2&4am when he gets himself tangled in the sleep suit, sometimes he goes back to sleep and other times he needs our help.  He has some fairly regular 2.5h naps, and some days it's several 40min naps then one long 3 hour afternoon nap. Bottom line... sleep is still unpredictable.
-Still breast feeding like a champ! 5min/side every 2-4hours. He DEVOURS bottles when dad or family/sitters have him
-I can't carry him very far in the infant car seat carrier so I wear him in the K'tan EVERYWHERE!
-He just wants to be upright so Santa brought him a seat so he can sit and play when he's awake. He also loves his activity mat

-He's now had 3 haircuts! just trims by mommy. That crazy chicken hair can GROW!
-Laughing at 2.5 mo
-Talking (baby talk of course)
-Rolling over (back to tummy) on Christmas day- 3.5mo. He's not a fan of being on his belly though...
-He can sit himself up to a sitting position with a little help from an incline (hence no more rock-n-play!)... abs of steel y'all (under the chunk of course)
-He can transfer objects between his hands
-He had his first plane ride at 3 months old to Galveston. He did AWESOME!
-He has all the symptoms of teething, but nothing so far... big sister did the same at this age, but didn't cut her first tooth until 10mo so I'm not sitting on the edge of my seat.

-Being naked/getting his diaper changed
-Watching/listening to sister. She can do the strangest things to him and he loves it! He loves her giggles, when she 'squeezes' his face and 'beeps' his nose. He even cries when she cries.
-Eating (obvi)
-Being tickled, talked to and sung to
-Getting attention
-He's obsessed with electronics! He could watch TV all day if you let him... he even tries to watch the baby monitor

-Tummy time (he just tries to crawl, but doesn't want to lift his head)
-Bath time
-Being left alone when he's awake


With Family/Friends:


Our little family

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