Our guy is ONE! And we are BLESSED!
4 years ago today I was sitting in an ER by myself. Adam 600 miles away. A crude physician uttered the most cold and heart wrenching words "you've miscarried". I worried and prayed to be given the opportunity to one day hold my own child.
Ford Ryan, God makes no mistakes. It was no mistake that you were conceived in (what I thought was) an impossible time frame. It was no mistake when the doctor informed us that you would be due on 9/14... a date that had been difficult for us to bear for 3 years. It was no mistake that you made me endure DAYSSSS of labor so that you could come into this world on this day. You are a gift and have brought so much light into our lives. We love you sweet baby Ford. Happy FIRST Birthday!!
Ford Ryan, God makes no mistakes. It was no mistake that you were conceived in (what I thought was) an impossible time frame. It was no mistake when the doctor informed us that you would be due on 9/14... a date that had been difficult for us to bear for 3 years. It was no mistake that you made me endure DAYSSSS of labor so that you could come into this world on this day. You are a gift and have brought so much light into our lives. We love you sweet baby Ford. Happy FIRST Birthday!!

First Birthday Photos:
First Birthday Party!! (Ford truck themed of course)
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