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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Vivian Paige: 3 months


3 months?! This means she's going up an entire category in baby clothes sizes! Yikes!! Although I wish she'd stay tiny forever, I love watching her grow and experience things for the first time.
So, here's a little about Viv this month:

Viv this month:
Her eyes are still blue (yay! something from mommy!!)
She's definitely growing, but we haven't had a chance to weigh her... next month!
She is wearing 3-6 month clothes (it was so sad to put away all of her 0-3 month clothes) 
She has become so fun and expression-able! There's nothing like seeing that big smile when she sees me or Adam :)
We found that she has another one of mom's traits.. she sneezes when she gets in the sun. Too cute!
She still has dad's features and GI system though ;)
Sleep is still inconsistent, but she's getting the hang of falling asleep on her own and staying that way for a good portion of the night. For the most part she is sleeping longer stretches at night, with lots of good naps during the day. She prefers to sleep ON me still, but does better on her own. I'm in no rush to stop the cuddles :).
Still breast feeding like a champ!
She went to church for the first time this month and did great!!

-Officially rolling from her back to her tummy
-She's found her hands and will look at them for HOURS! (I'm not complaining because it at least allows me to make breakfast ;)
-Loves to blow "saliva bubbles", make noises with her lips, and mimic the noises you make
-Very "talkative" and loves to coo and babble
-She laughed for the first time this month!! (at Tootsie of course)
-Scooting around all over things (including mom and dad..)

-Her paci and fingers
-Going on walks
-Hanging out in the Ergo and Moby
-Mary Poppins
-"Let's Go Fly a Kite"... it will put her to sleep/calm her down every time!
-Staring at the wall... I've seriously checked for bugs about 100 times because I've never seen a child stare at the wall and smile so intently at blankness...
-Activity mat.. although that's getting complicated since she's rolling and scooting all over the place
-Tootsie the doll
-Bath time
-Walking the house
-Diaper changes... odd, I know.
-Having her nose picked... again, yes very odd...

-Being out of eyesight of mom or dad
-Getting stuck on her tummy
-Being still

So this month hasn't been quite as busy as the previous ones (and I'm not complaining!). Adam's back to work and back to flying! Viv and I mostly hang out at home and go for walks.  I'm still teaching my online course so that's keeping me busy. I did teach Viv how to shop... I think she's going to be a natural ;). We met several of the squadron spouses this month and they are super sweet! I'm excited to get to know them better. We have also gone to a playgroup at Church and met some fun mommies and babies, to a birthday party for one of the daughters of guy in Adam's squadron, and on several lunch and dinner dates.

On the 19th, we made a little trip to Dallas for my besties Bachelorette party and shower, and for Adam to go to the A&M game. We saw a bunch of friends, but still have more to see.. next time!! I will say... drinking (more than just 1 drink) for the first time in a year can make for some good entertainment. I only had 3 drinks at Kel's bach party and thought I was still pretty "with it" when I got back to the hotel, buutttt apparently not... As soon as I got "home" I sat down to start pumping (I was about to burst!) and tell Adam all about my night, but he quickly interrupted me and looked at my chest asking "is that right?!?".... I forgot to attach bags to the pump, so I was basically milking my dress.... lovely! Do I know how to handle my liquor ladies and gents!

Annddd, the BIGGEST news of the month is that we THINK we found a house!! I don't want to jinx it because it is still in the very early stages, but cross your fingers/say a little prayer that it goes through!

THREE months:

 Blue Steel.??

Going for a walk:

Hanging out on her activity mat:

Chillin' with Tootsie :)

Watching Ellen:

Wearing mom's shoes:

Napping with Lola:

Since she's learned how to scoot and roll over, activity time has become a challenge:

She's not a fan of dad trying to sleep in...

Dad (finally) discovered the Ergo and is quite impressed:

Hanging out with dad (he's apparently pretty funny):

Visiting Dad at work:

We got a quick visit from Uncle Matt on his way through Tulsa:

Viv met her Uncle Bobby!!:

At Aunt Kelly's shower (Viv was in her wedding colors and everything :)

Viv also went on her first (VERY supervised) date with Porter and Owen!

 Lola's such a protector :)

 She loves that thumb! But thankfully she likes her paci better!

Yep.... mom's toes... poor child.
That's all for now! :)