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Friday, November 16, 2018

Ford Ryan: TWO

9.14.18 (posted on 11.14.18....a feeeew months late)

Our guy is TWO!!?? How can that be?? Ford Ryan, you are our little sour patch kid. You are SO so sweet and loving, but boy do you have a sour side. If you even think you're in trouble the claws come out.. literally. You LOVE your sissy and follow every move she makes (which may be the problem). You think she is the coolest cat and oh so hilarious! But let me just tell ya, you are pretty funny yourself. You have the silliest and most daring little personality. Your expressions remind me of a little old man and I could just eat you up! You are fearless, yet timid, and approach people with caution but objects with no restraint. You make us laugh everyday and I could just listen to your long southern draw all day long. You have taught us what having a boy really means... dirt is an accessory, all things are climbable and farts are HILARIOUS.

You've had a busy year! You've been through your dad's first deployment, trip to Michigan, started school, and had your first trip to Walt Disney World! You have been a trooper for it all! You threw us for a loop when we got your first letter home that you were aggressive with your teachers... that was fun. We're still working through that one, but we're doing much better- just don't tell him no and we're all good. Your teacher termed you the "Happy Tornado" and I can't think of a better description of you.

Just Ford:
-25lbs 33.5in 
-He is wearing 2T clothes, and size 5 diapers... he has leaned out a lot so he's stalled in clothes
-Sleep is great! Sleeping 6pm to 7am, with 1 2-3 hour nap/day. He still has to sleep with his "babies"- 4 wubbanubs (pacifiers).... we have cut the tip of 3 of them, the last one standing is about to be GONE... shhh don't tell him!
-He LOVES food, especially carbs
-He's a little backseat driver.... "Where going?" "All done?" at.EVERY.stop!
-Boys are SO MESSY, y'all!!
-He likes to pretend sleep and has a pretty solid fake snore
-Birthdays, or "Happy to you" are his favorite
-He can hold a grudge.... Daddy popped his balloon MONTHS ago and we're still hearing about it
-He has the funniest facial expressions
-Give him a few tiny objects and he'll be occupied for hours

-He's basically speaking in full (broken) sentences
-Ford talk: "faffle ding!" (waffle done), "chiCHEN" (chicken), "Watch this!!", "What's thaaaaat?", "Can I touch it?", "Whaaaaat?" "Whyyyyy?" "What are you dooooing?" then he turns EVERYTHING you say into a question...
-Counts to 3 and crosses his fingers while doing so
-He is interested in sitting on the pot, but has no desire to put anything in it
-He has a good arm- he can throw like a boss!

-He LOVES his "sissy", or "ViviAN", and is always concerned about her. She can make him laugh and smile like no one else. Warms this mamas heart! What does NOT warm this mamas heart is when he copies and repeats his sister- Lord, give me strength!
-Dinosaurs "RAWR"
-Cars, trucks, planes
-Dinosaur and spiderman jammies
-Basketball, soccer
-Foods: waffles, peanut butter, mac n cheese, chicken, cheese, bananas, oranges, smoothies, pizza

-When someone else cries
-Not getting his way
-When he thinks he's in trouble
-Loud noises! I have to hold him when I use a blender...
-Swim lessons
-When the pantry is locked
-Diaper changes- like wrestling an alligator!
-Wearing pants

Look how I've grown!

 His first fight with the concrete:




