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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ford Ryan 12-15mo


Ford this month:
-23lbs 31in 
-He is wearing 18mo-2T clothes, and size 5 diapers
-Sleep is great! Sleeping 6pm to 7am, with 1 2-3 hour nap/day. He still has to sleep with his "babies"- 4 wubbanubs (pacifiers) and he likes to gather them up and sleep on top of them! He gets SO excited for his babies- that's going to be another hard one to break
-He eats ALL things, especially carbs and was weaned from the boob at 10mo and bottle at 12mo with no issue
-He is so independent... leave him to make a mess and he's happy!

-Started walking on 11.17.17 (14mo)- he NEVER stops now!
-Climbing on everything... including sisters night stand and IN the toilet
-10 teeth (5 on bottom,  5 on top); and 1 more molar coming through- these molars have been BRUTAL.
-"ma, mama, da, dada, Lola, thank you, ball, done this, hi, bye"
-Nodding his head yes
-Pointing at everything
-He gives the BEST drive by hugs- to anyone who looks huggable
-He insists on eating with a plate and fork

-Playing with and mimicking his sister- he even puts on purses and plays with lipstick lol
-Loving on Lola
-Hide and seek
-Being tickled
-Playing ball. A single ball can keep him happy for hours! He has a great arm and loves to play catch!
-Playing in his cozy coupe truck
-Favorite foods: CARBS, cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, waffles, ham, smoothies
-Vacuuming.. he'll make anything into a vacuum
-Walking/Running/Climbing all over the place
-Figuring out how things work- pens, computers, light switches
-Trying to get his hands on anything with a wire
-Getting attention
-Bath time
-Eating sister's crayons

-When someone else cries
-Not getting attention
-When the pantry is locked
-Diaper changes- like wrestling an alligator!

Look how I've grown!


LOVE my sister!

First REAL haircut


Little Gym


Just Ford..