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Monday, August 28, 2017

Ford Ryan: 10-11 months!

7.14.17-8. 14.17

Ford this month:
-20.5lbs 29.5in 
-He is wearing 12-18 month clothes, and size 5 diapers
-He continues to be a happy, chill, lovable guy! He has such an easy smile and will just go with the flow in every situation. He only cries if someone else is sad (especially sister... such a sweet soul), if he's having a rough day teething, or if he's really tired or hungry. He likes to grunt and growl, but I think that's just a guy thing...??
-Sleep is great! Sleeping 6pm to 7am, with 2 2 hour naps/day. He has to sleep with his "babies"- 4 wubbanubs (pacifiers) and he likes to gather them up and sleep on top of them!
-We weaned from breast feeding around 10-11 months. Not on purpose, it just happened. He LOVES his bottles (that's going to be a hard one to break), and pretty much all food.. except berries.
-He is so independent... leave him to make a mess and he's happy!

-Still has his wonky crawl (right leg up), chiropractor to the rescue!
-Standing...then falling (11mo)
-He's taking steps to take steps, but hasn't really taken any REAL steps (independently)
-Climbing on everything... including alll the way up the stairs
-5 teeth  (2 on bottom, 3 on top). with one on the way (1 on top)
-"mama, dada, done"
-Waving hi/bye
-Raising arms "SO BIG!"
-Giving the BEST kisses! He grabs my face, opens wide, makes the 'mmmmmuah' sound and lays one on me. I can't get enough
-He graduated ISR in June!

-Watching/listening to sister.
-Loving on Lola
-Playing ball. A single ball can keep him happy for hours!
-Playing peek-a-boo (he will grab a blanket and cover his eyes to play)
-Favorite foods: any meat, cheerios, cheese, yogurt, cheddar bunnies, sweet potatoes
-Being tickled, talked to and sung to: anything silly
-Crawling/climbing all over the place
-Playing with tags on toys
-Trying to get his hands on anything with a wire
-Putting things in his mouth
-Getting attention
-Bath time
-He's obsessed with electronics! He could watch TV all day if you let him... he even tries to watch the baby monitor

-When someone else cries
-SUPER loud noises
-If someone walks past him without acknowledging him...
-Not a fan of berries....
-Diaper changes- like wrestling an alligator!

Look how I've grown!


 His 'babies':


 That leg...


Play ball!


I can throw a tantrum!

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