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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ford Ryan: 2 months


Ford Ryan is 2 months old!!

Ford this month:
-He's in the 90th percentile for height, weight and head circumference: 13lbs 11oz, 24in, 16in
-He is wearing 3-6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers (skipped nb diapers and in size 2 by 1 month!)
-His eyes are officially blue! 
-He has become so fun and expression-able! Smiling and cooing. There's nothing like seeing that big smile when he sees me, Adam or Viv :)
-We found that he has one of mom's traits.. he sneezes when he gets in the sun. Too cute!
-He has dad's features and GI system though ;). His poops are UNREAL! He's gone 3 times at once!
-Sleep is pretty good. He loves sleeping in his rock-n-play. When he's having a rough day, the only thing he'll sleep in is the K'tan, so I just have to wear him and stay busy.. not difficult for me! He goes down between 8-10pm (starting at about 6 weeks) and has slept anywhere from 4-9 hours at a time. The 9 hour stretch happened 3 nights in a row while I was sick so I think he knew I needed a break. Such a sweet boy! He has LOVED sleep since day 1 (I hope it continues). In the first few weeks I started to wonder if something was wrong with him because he slept SO much. NOT the case with Viv... she was always so alert. He's very alert now too, but he still sleeps more than anything.
He naps great too. He started taking 'real naps' at 6 weeks (in his rock n play in our room with the monitor on for long periods of time). I don't nap, I should but I get SO much done! I've had a TON of energy this time around, which is good since I have a VERY busy toddler!
-Breast feeding like a champ (obvi)! 5min/side every 2-4hours. Took a bottle from dad like a champ too! Although... breastfeeding was ROUGH in the first few weeks... I was VERY painfully engorged for 6 days. I had to use warm and cool compresses, manually pump before, and encourage him to nurse in several different positions. That came and went for the entire first month, but it has finally normalized!
-I can't carry him very far in the infant car seat carrier so I wear him in the K'tan EVERYWHERE! Which also means I drop half my food on his head when I eat... totally cool to eat off of a baby's head, right?

-He had his first haircut at 2 weeks! Just a trim by mommy
-Smiling (started at 4-5weeks)
-Cooing (7 weeks)
-He's found his thumb... he's been working diligently on that one for a while. I'm not fighting it this time...
-He was left with our sitter for the first time at 7 weeks. That's a big deal and he did great! We love our sitters!
-He had his first car trip (8/9 hours to Galveston) at 8 weeks. He did AWESOME!

-His elephant wubbanub (paci) and thumb
-Watching/listening to sister. She can do the strangest things to him and he loves it! He loves her giggles, when she 'squeezes' his face and 'beeps' his nose. He even cries when she cries. She loves him too. This really warms my heart because I only know what the sister/sister bond is like so I wasn't sure they'd be as close, but I really think they will be.
-Hanging out in the K'tan and rock n play
-Eating (he has to sit up after because he has some reflux)
-Staring at the wall/ceiling fan... I've seriously checked for bugs about 100 times because I've never seen a child stare at the wall and smile so intently at blankness (except for Viv..)
-Bath time
-Walking the house
-Diaper changes... odd, I know.
-Peeing all over people.. hilarious

-Tummy time (he just tries to crawl, but doesn't want to lift his head)
-Getting his nails clipped
-He's not a fan of when mommy drinks alcohol... sad day, no margs for mom
-He gets mad if I let him fall asleep on me after he nurses... apparently my nipple gets in the way and it's very irritating to him... sorry if this is TMI but it's pretty funny!

1month vs 2 months:

Ford and Viv:

Hanging with Mom and Dad:

The many faces of Ford:

First Haircut:

First Halloween:

Sleepy guy:

He loves his wubbanub!:

A&M gear:

Hanging with Hadley:

Family and friends:
 Uncle John:
 Cousin Ty:
Aunt Kelly:

The nursery (still a few things to add):

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