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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Vivian Paige: 2.5 years old


We're half way through TWO!!

Viv lately
23lbs 34in (still TINY!)
2T clothes
Still in size 4 diapers/2-3T pull ups. We're working on potty training...she's a stubborn one. She's completely potty trained at school, but she likes to keep us on our toes at home (we're really close though!).
Still an awesome sleeper! 12-13 hour nights, 1 2-3h nap
She has 20 teeth (2yr molars came in around Christmas... didn't phase her)
She brushes her own teeth (with mom and dad's help of course)
She went to the dentist and got a great report card! She still sucks her thumb so she's developing an awesome overbite... yay! The dentist (and pediatrician) have said there's nothing we can really do to stop it this young so we're just holding out until she's old enough to stop it
She is still going to Montessori school 5 days/week 8:30-3 and she loves it! 
She is a LITTLE PERSON now! It's crazy how much she's 'matured'. She still has her strong willed little personality. NO ONE can get in her way!
She's learned to stop biting, and she rarely hits or pushes anymore... her verbal communication is improving a TON so that helps!
us an extra hour to sleep in!)
She is VERY independent! "I do it"- brushing her teeth, putting on her clothes, getting her food etc. 
She is very inquisitive. She asks a LOT of questions and repeats herself often

She gives the sweetest compliments "I love your hair, mommy. Turn around, let me see" "I love your eyes" "I love your make up" "Is that a necklace? I love it!"

Her "quirks"/demands have kept us on our toes... here are just a few...
She insists on wearing her PJ's, socks, gloves, her beanie and a bow (all mismatched) ALL of the time! Everywhere. 
She needs to have half of the books and babies she owns in her bed. We don't argue because she goes to sleep fine and will wake up and play with them (giving 

Words: Her vocabulary has continued to explode!! She uses full sentences. I can understand her, but not everyone can all of the time.. typical toddler talk. My favorite phrase right now is "Oh my goodness" the way she says it is just adorable. "puter-da"= computer
She NEVER.stops! talking, moving, playing, imagining. Her little imagination is so hilarious. Everyday she has us laughing and watching her in awe. 
She knows her ABCs and can count 1-14 then by two's to 20 haha
She has half of her books memorized and can recite them flawlessly 
She's still in her crib... keeping the beast caged for as long as possible! We had to move the mattress to the floor after she showed us that she can climb out. 
She had her third haircut/trim by mommy

And the BEST of ALL, Viv became a BIG SISTER on 9/14/16. She lovingly calls her baby brother "Baby Ford"... never just 'Ford', always Baby Ford

Playing pretend- kitchen, babies, shopping, cooking, dressing up
Looking at pictures and videos of herself (vain much? haha)
Her babies- she rocks them, changes their diaper, feeds them, and puts them in time out when they're "bad"
Music and dancing! She will stop and dance to anything that even resembles music!
Bath time
Cooking with mom
Giving (BIG) kisses
Haboo (our word for rubbing her back)
Disney/Pixar movies.... Faves are FROZEN, Tangled, Despicable Me, Pets, Zootopia
Food: cheese, crackers, peanut butter, pears, watermelon, grapes, chicken nuggets, french fries, pizza, DIP, chicken taquitos, bananas, apples, oranges, oatmeal, cereal, cereal "bars"
She LOVES to dip her food... in ketchup, ranch, chips/dip, you name it.... the things she dips in ketchup turns my stomach

Not getting her way
Diaper/pull up changes... odd, you'd think that would push her to potty train... nope!


She loves when Ms. Jami plays with her hair
 Admiring her "cat ears" hair do in the mirror

Fall Fun:

We had a LOT of park time after "Baby Ford" was born because mom was afraid to be at home with them alone. Keep the wild child busy!

The cupcake she won at her school's fall festival 

Winter Fun:
At the Christmas train (tulsa)

Christmas train and Santa (Galveston)

Shopping with Meme

 Rhema Lights (Tulsa)

 Christmas Eve/Day

 Tulsa Discovery Lab/Children's museum 


Just Viv:

Wearing her BABY brother's shorts...
Stuck in Lola's cone...

Wearing her grinch/baby like mommy

 Manicure by Aunt Wissa!

 Her Christmas attire
 "Ready for bed"?!?

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