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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Vivian Paige: 7 months


7 months! 

Viv this month:
Her little personality is coming out more and more! It's so fun to watch! She is such a sweet natured and strong willed baby
We haven't measured or weighed her lately, but she is definitely growing! She's slimming up a little though since she's constantly on the move... I'm doing my best to keep those chubby thighs
Wearing 6-9 month clothes
So I've been saying she's a great sleeper (and she is), but this month is on a totally different level! We transitioned her to her crib at 6 months and she would go down at 8 and wake 2-3 times/night. She started taking a late nap at 5:30pm.... Turns out she was actually ready for bed around that time. So, we started to put her down at 6:30 and she would sleep through the night! It's been a process but now that her night sleep is great (6:30p-7a), her naps at 9, 1 and 4 are falling into place too! 
Still breast feeding like a champ! And we've started some solids: Avocado, sweet potato, carrots, and banana so far
Still habooing me and putting her hands in my mouth when she's nursing... it's odd but sweet

New Milestones
-Pulling up and climbing on things and stepping around
-Full on Crawling! Everywhere!  
-We started 'Baby Led Weaning' so she is learning to feed herself... it's a slow process, but we're getting there..
-Using her sippy cup

Likes (this month)
-Crawling everywhere!
-Playing with anything that isn't a toy: bows, socks, burp cloths, tags, wires, Lola's bowls tail and toys, the fireplace, diapers and the baby monitor..
-Still putting everything in her mouth
-Lola- the relationship still isn't completely reciprocated, but at least Lo doesn't run from her anymore
-Mirrors- she found herself and is enamored with the baby ;)
-Pacifiers and her thumb... we tried to avoid both, but instead she's learned to love them both equally...
-Books (especially tactile ones)
-Songs- we sing 'You Are My Sunshine' before bed everyday
-She found the door stoppers... built in entertainment!
-Baths- we switched from the hammock to the seated tub and she loves to splash
-Playing with her piano

Dislikes (this month)
-She makes a fuss when I walk out of the room at bedtime, but falls asleep quickly after
-She also doesn't love it when we don't let her play with the unsafe non-toys... oh well! 

Feeding time!

 She was not a fan of the avocado at first...

 Until I gave it to her in a bigger piece... 

Banana was a hit!

And lovin that sippy cup!..

Play time!

 Mirrors! (just like her momma :/)..


Playing with her 'non-toys'...
A bow...

A diaper..

Viv and Lola...

Pulling up in the PnP...

Going for the baby monitor..

Where'd you put the monitor, mom??

After her first 12h night sleep in her crib!

This is what happens when our child gets a hold of the monitor...

That thumb...

Big girl bath time!

Chillin' with Dad...

We used a headband to put her hair up... 

 I caught her chewing on my black heels... oops! (and ew!)

Just Viv...

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