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Monday, February 10, 2014

Lil' G Week 17

Week 17 (1/25-2/1/14)

Another week down!! I had an appointment with my doc on Tuesday and everything is moving along great! Lil G's heart was a steady 150bpm! 

I officially started working this week, yay!! Although I was completely exhausted after, it felt SO GOOD to be back in the classroom :). This week was the RN Refresher course at the community college, and I start helping with peds clinicals at UofA in 2 weeks. It will be really great to be back at the bedside with my students... I miss my tiny human patients ;). 

We had a pretty chill weekend. Adam had Friday off so he went golfing while I was at work... he came home with a broken iPhone screen, scratches all over his arms (he determines how successful his game is by how many extra golf balls he finds... he found 25... in cacti), and was asleep by 4:30pm (1 margarita and a few beers...lightweight!). I was snuggled beside him with my new snoogle (greatest "pregnancy pillow" EVER!!) by 8:30. Saturday, was a very lazy day (I'm basically worthless after 2 full days of activity), although we did go to a friends house for dinner and card games that night. My kind of night! Sunday (which is actually the beginning of week 18, but I might as well include it because I will likely forget by next week... I'm having preggo brain for realz lately...) we went to a friends to watch the Super Bowl. It was so great to see everyone!! I've pretty much been a hermit lately...

Now I'm just ready for Friday and Saturday to get here!! 

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: an onion! (5.1in. 5.9 oz)
"My how your baby has grown! She's about the size of your palm, weighs about five ounces, and is developing some body fat (join the club, baby!). Her heart is now regulated by her brain (no more random beats) to beat 140 to 150 times per minute — about twice as fast as yours! What else is up? She’s practicing the survival skills she’ll need at birth — like sucking and swallowing."

Gender: I still have no clue!! Adam is 100% convinced it’s a boy, so that makes me lean toward girl just to be difficult ;). I have to admit, I will absolutely be happy no matter what  it is, but if it’s a boy I might freak a little just because we have NO boy names!! We’ll find out soon though! Our anatomy scan is scheduled for this coming Friday afternoon (2/7)!! EEkkk!! So excited! These last few weeks have gone by so slow! We will announce to our parents/family immediately. Then we will have a sex party on Saturday afternoon to announce to friends (and of course the rest of the world), so hold your horses! Until then, make sure you place your bet on what you think Lil G is through our Baby Pool!!

Symptoms: Much better! But still not feeling 100%…  I have a lot more energy, but still nauseous most days. I also still have the sinusitis (constant stuffy nose). The weepiness has only increased… I find myself wanting to cry all the time, for no good reason at all. And odd pains in my hips and belly as the baby grows!

Sleep: Still pretty much impossible since I get up every 2 hours to pee and reposition, but my new snoogle body pillow has been a tremendous help with relieving pressure off my hips/back etc. 

Cravings What I can stomach: Yay! I can switch it to actual cravings instead of just ‘what I can stomach’…. This is a big deal because I missed food! Like I said, the nausea is still around so food isn’t always appetizing, but at least my appetite is back! This week I’ve gone for mac n’ cheese, ice cream, brownies, ice tea, fried okra... I'm sure there's more, but that's all my preggo brain can remember. The sweet cravings have begun!! I REALLY wanted Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream so I sent Adam to the store... they didn't have it... NOT acceptable! So, since he needed to study I decided to go to the convenience store... I tried three. The first one didn't even have ice cream... ridiculous behavior! The second one (which is connected to a medical marijuana dispensary) had some (strange flavors), but not Half Baked.. umm hello!! and the third only had 3 flavors. I wasn't about to go home empty handed, so I settled for some Dreyer's vanilla and I bought a brownie to mix in... it did the trick but still not the same. I found my half baked the next day and stocked up! I also found Blue Bell!! Then I made slutty brownies (cookie/oreo/brownie), gold rush brownies (graham cracker and chocolate chips), and cherry dump cake. Then, I decided to watch 4 hour long episodes of "Amazing Eats" on the Travel Channel... that's where the fried okra craving came in... along with deep fried pickles and BBQ (I really miss Texas..)

Food Aversions: Still can’t do bell peppers, mushrooms or red meat, and pizza doesn't have nearly as much appeal as it used to...

Total Weight Gain: 4-5lbs and 3.5 inches around my waist! Lil G is growing! Adam says that if people didn't know better they'd think I just let myself go, but just in the belly area (I think that's called pregnancy)... I'm carrying very low and wide...I look like I have love handles, but they're very 

Activity: I’ve brought my “daily 300’s” down to “daily 150-200’s” (my hips aren’t handling squats and lunges too well), yoga twice a week, and starting to walk Lola again. I have to balance those cravings somehow!

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