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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lil' G Week 34

Week 34 (5/25-31/14)

This week was pretty laid back. Mostly work, rest, and nesting. Saturday was my Tucson shower and it was awesome! I'm so lucky to have such sweet and supportive fellow spouses. I'll miss them when we leave!

The beautiful shower decor!

 Bow making station!! Adam was thrilled ;)

Viv's first tutu and bikini! 

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: a butternut squash. 17.2-18.7in and 4.2-5.8 lbs
"What's new this week? Your baby is clocking in at five pounds and could be as tall as 20 inches by now, and the vernix (the white coating protecting your baby’s skin) is getting thicker. This week, those tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of her fingers by now — and getting ready for that first postpartum manicure."

Gender: It's a girl!! 

Symptoms: I have a lot more energy, but I hit a wall by 5pm and am usually in bed by 7 or 8. I still have the sinusitis (constant stuffy nose).. especially when I eat?? Frequent headaches, hip/joint pain, and I pee all the time! like I have to pee after I pee... So, needless to say with the hip pain and peeing, I don't get much sleep either! She moves all of the time and there's not a whole lot of room in there anymore so it feels pretty crazy! It's VERY difficult to bend over or get comfortable. I'm ALWAYS hot, tired and hungry, and "Pregnancy Brain" is now SERIOUSLY no joke! The nesting has settled in full force. 

Sleep: pretty much impossible! I get up every 1-2 hours to pee and reposition. My snoogle is my best friend right now though!!

Cravings: I'm loving lara bars, tea, salads, sandwiches, smoothies and FRUIT! basically anything cold, so ice cream is fair game too! And this week was all about seafood.... I couldn't get enough... although I refrained since we're in Tucson, and I'm not trying to get mercury poisoning. Still having a strawberry limeade every chance I get too :).  

Food Aversions: STILL can’t do bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, whole tomatoes or certain kinds of meat.

Total Weight Gain: 18lbs and 10 inches around my waist! Lil G is growing! and I'm beginning to feel large and in charge!

Activity: Daily 150's, walking as much as I can, CLEANING, and stretching (gotta get ready for labor)! I also started back at yoga. 

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