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Monday, May 26, 2014

Lil' G Week 31

Week 31 (5/4-10/14)

Holy Moly!! Only 9 weeks left! We're in the single digits!! This is starting to get real people!!
This week was quite eventful. It was nurses, teachers, and military spouse appreciation week all in one so I felt pretty special!! I worked all week, then left on Thursday for Galveston to see family and attend my G-town baby shower!! The trip there was INSANE! I fly stand-by through Adam's family.... meaning no guaranteed seat, but my trusty "Travel Angel" (aka Adam's dad) is always a phone call away to guide me so I haven't had an issue yet. Until this time... I arrived at the airport in Tucson at 5am to try and get on a flight, and here's how my day went (PS all flights to Houston stop in DFW):
-5:55 flight: no seat, but next in line... so close!!
-7:30 flight: it's looking promising but 30 minutes before the flight they announce that it will be delayed because there is awful weather in DFW (the 5:55 flight is still circling waiting to land in DFW)
-8-10am: still waiting, gate agents are telling us it could be 2pm before we leave... SEVERAL people cancel... good news for me though, plenty of seats available for if/when it finally leaves 
-10:15am: Gate agents get the ok to board us and I have a seat to DFW!
-2:30pm: We land in DFW, I get off the plane to find my connecting flight (it was chaos).... It took me about an hour to get to a gate agent (because this chaos hadn't properly updated online for Travel Angel) and figure out that ALL flights were cancelled leaving DFW, and I was NOT waiting around all night. 
-3:30pm: Against my mother's wishes, I decide to rent a car and drive to Galveston... it was quicker and it was only sprinkling in Dallas so what's all the fuss about??
-4pm: I rent a car from Hertz and head to Galveston ($220 for 24 hours!?!! $&*@.... you better believe Hertz heard the wrath of a preggo for all that highway robbery!). Well... turns out it was sprinkling at the airport, but the rest of DFW was experiencing a torrential downfall, 70mph winds, and a tornado warning... ooops! I made it out safe thank the Lord!
9:30pm: I FINALLY make it to Galveston and am greeted by a VERY excited 6 year old cousin and Grandma (they waited up for me, how sweet!)... 

Luckily, the rest of my weekend was great! I had pretty awesome QT with my whole family, ate a TON of tex-mex, and had the best baby shower I could have asked for. So many of my family and friends came to shower Viv with love. She is one lucky lady! I also celebrated my first Mother's Day. 

Cute little favors my mom made for everyone (flowers that say "Happy Mother's Day")

Nicole and sweet baby Ivy:

Jenelle flew all the way from San Diego to surprise me! Love her!

Some sista love :)

My personal little favor:

More beautiful flowers from the lovely Paige:

Now THAT's a home cooked meal! God bless Meme 

And of course that Tex-Mex!! Yummo!

Cole and I (Viv's biggest fan!) He's going to come to AZ and show me how to take care of Viv ;)

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: a pineapple.. my fave!! 15.2-16.7in and 2.5-3.8 lbs
"Weighing in at three-plus pounds and measuring 18 inches long, your baby is quickly approaching his birth length — though he's got to pack on another three to five pounds before D-day. Also developing at an impressive clip: your baby's brain connections (he's got to make trillions of them!). He's now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses. He's also putting in longer stretches of sleep, which is why you're probably noticing more defined patterns of wakefulness (and movement) and rest (when he’s pretty still)."

Gender: It's a girl!! And we decided on a name!! Later post about that!

Symptoms: Much better! I have a lot more energy, but still nauseous most days. I also still have the sinusitis (constant stuffy nose).. especially when I eat?? Frequent headaches, hip/joint pain, and I pee all the time! like I have to pee after I pee... So, needless to say with the hip pain and peeing, I don't get much sleep either! She moves all of the time! I will say, those kicks used to be cute, but it's starting to get painful! She's starting to really get under my ribs and kick me in the stomach when I eat... not fun, but I do rely on those kicks to remind me she's ok so keep it coming! I also mentioned the crazy stretching feeling I get when I walk farther than a quarter mile (ridiculous I know) or go up stairs. It's different from round ligament pain (I have that too).... it feels like a ton of pressure and my belly is just going to pop! and of course it goes away when I rest. I still haven't bought my maternity belt... I just can't put another layer around my belly yet. It's VERY difficult to bend over or get comfortable. I'm also ALWAYS HOT, so poor Adam has had to revert to sweats in the house even though it's 90 degrees and climbing in AZ.... And the nesting is setting in... if I buy one more bin or organizational tool, Adam may cut me off..

Sleep: pretty much impossible! I get up every 1-2 hours to pee and reposition. My snoogle is my best friend right now though!!

Cravings What I can stomach: I'm loving OJ, kind bars, lara bars, tea, salads, sandwiches, smoothies and FRUIT! basically anything cold, so ice cream is fair game too! One day I had a sudden craving for a twice baked potato... so, I pulled into Boston Market, bought their veggie plate and a cookie, ate the cookie on my way home, then didn't really want the veggies/potatoes anymore... although, they were still happily consumed.  

Food Aversions: STILL can’t do bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, whole tomatoes or certain kinds of meat.

Total Weight Gain: 14lbs and 9 inches around my waist! Lil G is growing! and I'm beginning to feel large and in charge!

Activity: I'm finally off of "pelvic rest" so I'm back to my "daily 150's" ;) and I walk when I can... although it's getting VERY uncomfortable! 

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