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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lil' G Week 4

Week 4 (10/27-11/2/13)

So, I was at my friend’s bachelorette party in Austin, TX and I started to get that feeling again… It had been 6 weeks since my miscarriage and I hadn’t 'started' yet…. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to go 6+weeks without, so I didn’t think much of it… EXCEPT those damn symptoms were coming back. I didn’t even want to fathom that I could already be pregnant! Don’t get me wrong, after 6 weeks I was (we were) ready, but I was SCARED TO DEATH of going through another heartbreak. I didn’t want to take a pregnancy test… for one, I wanted Adam to be with me; two, it was an awkward place to do it; and three, there’s nothing worse than seeing a big fat negative… if you’re taking a pregnancy test, it’s because you think you’re pregnant…. I sure as hell don’t like being told I’m wrong.

Jen and I (and unknowingly my little bean) at her bachelorette party:
 We were in Austin for Halloween weekend (big deal on 6th!) and Jen wanted everyone to dress up as one of their favorite female "heros" I was Rosie the Riveter and Jen was Madonna ;).. If I had known better, I could have just been a Mom...

What to do?

I called Adam… he said go for it! (of course)! I waited until right before we went out that night. I had to know. If I was, I shouldn’t be drinking and knowing was the only way I could resist the temptation of a Mexican Martini (and for the record, I’ve never wanted a Mexican Martini MORE in my life… and if you know me, you know that’s a LOT).

Well…Sure enough! Another positive!

This time, I wasn’t excited or overjoyed or even happy. I was nervous. I was scared. I was in disbelief.

I shared the news with Adam and immediately told him to not get excited. It was too early. It could happen again. He complied, but I knew he was doing his own little happy dance on the other end of the line…. And a part of me was too.

As soon as I got back to Tucson I called my awesome doc and scheduled my first appointment. I had my “betas” (pregnancy hormone levels) checked on Tuesday and Thursday. They wanted to be sure my levels were increasing as they should... The results took 24 hours to come in so I was afraid I wouldn't get the results from Thursday until after the weekend (torture!). Sure enough, the office closed and I'd heard nothing... THEN my doc called (this is why she's awesome) after hours on, her own time to let me know my betas were increasing just like they should. I was feeling reassured… and every little annoying pregnancy symptom was just more reassurance. I was scheduled to see her the next week. 

Due Date: 7/7/14!! How perfect is that date for a numbers loving gal? PLUS the baby will be a Cancer, which is the same sign as my hubby and my best friend… Cancers are pretty cool people!

The baby is the size of: a poppyseed!!  So tiny!
"The ball of cells that will develop into your baby has completed its journey from your fallopian tube to your uterus. Once settled in its new home, it will undergo the great divide — splitting into two groups. Half will become your baby (or embryo), while the other half forms the placenta, your baby's lifeline until delivery. The multilayered embryo then begins to grow into specialized parts of your baby's body. The inner layer, known as the endoderm, will develop into your baby's digestive system, liver, and lungs. The middle layer, called the mesoderm, will soon be your baby's heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys, and muscles. The outer layer, or ectoderm, will eventually form your baby's nervous system, hair, skin, and eyes."

Gender: Imagining a girl. It’s hard to believe a male could be growing inside of me… Plus all of my favorite names are girl names…. I canNOT get into any boy names…

Symptoms: Breast tenderness (feels like they’ve been used as punching bags in my sleep.. not unlikely knowing Adam ;)), MOODY BIA and irritable… e.v.e.r.y. l.i.t.t.l.e. thing drives me wacky (I really feel bad for Adam…), some cramping (which is scary because I equate cramping with not being pregnant, but apparently some cramping is normal since my body’s making room for Lil G), bloated!

Sleep: falling asleep early and waking up early… for me (8:30p-6a)… I’m usually a night owl

Cravings: none

Food Aversions: none. Eating normally!

Total Weight Gain: 0lbs

Activity: Walking Lola daily (2-3 miles), my “Daily 300’s”.. if you don’t know me, then you don’t know about my greatest invention… I do 300 of something everyday after I get out of the shower (ie. 50 lunges, 50 squats, 50 arm dips, 100 jumping jacks, 50 leg lifts etc) and mix it up everyday. It takes 10 minutes and makes me feel great! Greatest idea ever since I despise the gym! I’ll be scouting out a yoga studio as soon as I’m back in Tucson for good. 

The Bump (Adam insisted immediately that we take a weekly photo… this was on Halloween... after a bunch of candy.. and still really nothing... but I will admit I was letting myself a little loose because I was so ready for a bump lol!!): 

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