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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lil' G Week 5

Week 5 (11/3-9/13)

I had an appointment to see my doc and she confirmed that everything was looking great! This was such a great feeling. I didn’t even make it past 5 weeks last time, much less did I even see my doctor… instead, my betas were checked and I was told to “wait until you get to Tucson.” Thank God for a doc that would agree to see me so early on and provide that peace of mind. My first ultrasound was scheduled for week 6. EEK!! Would I really make it to get the opportunity to SEE our baby?!

I went home later that week (to Galveston for my bestie’s wedding). It was SO hard to not tell my whole family, but I knew it was still too early and I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. Soon enough :)…. I’ve got some good announcement plans!

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: an appleseed!! 0.13in
"Your baby now resembles a teeny tadpole (complete with a tiny tail) and is about the size of an orange seed. The circulatory (or blood) system, along with the heart, is the first part of that tiny body to be functional; and as your baby's heart starts to form, you may even be able to see it beating on an early ultrasound. Another part of your little tadpole that is under construction: the neural tube, which will eventually become your baby's brain and spinal cord."

Gender: Imagining a girl. It’s time for a baby girl on the O’Connor/Hubbell side of the equation. There hasn't been a girl born since my sister (who's 26)... and there have been at least 9 boys since... 

Symptoms: Serious breast tenderness, starting to get a little nauseous in the mornings… it started WHILE I was at home in Galveston…. That was fun covering up… “Do you eat toast this much at home?!?”, bloating.

Sleep: falling asleep early and waking up early… for me… I’m usually a night owl

Cravings: none, but toast is the only thing that’s keeping the nausea at bay

Food Aversions: none in the first half of the week, THEN the nausea hit and it was pretty much everything!

Total Weight Gain: 0lbs… funny story… I was at my first appointment, the nurse came out, called my name and brought me to the back to weigh me. She immediately says “So at your last appointment you were 155lbs?” Ummm no! Does it look like I was 155# is the recent past? For those of you who don’t know me… I’m 4’10” and 95lbs… losing 60lbs in a month would be pretty impressive. Turns out, there were 2 Crystals… both short and blonde, but the other one was 8 ½ months pregnant… That makes more sense! It was pretty cool to see that… It was like a glimpse into the future (except I do NOT plan on gaining 60#s).

Activity: Walking Lola and Daily 300’s (see week 4). 

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