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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lil' G Week 6

Week 6 (11/10-16/13)

Adam and I got home from Galveston late Sunday night and it felt good to be home! Of the 46 days we’ve “lived” in Tucson, I’d only been home 20. I was proud of myself (and my body) for making it through my travels (almost) before rebelling… just wait for the symptom breakdown. The nausea began and I was thinking my lucky stars that I didn’t have anything to do! I rested the whole week until the day of my FIRST ultrasound on Thursday 11/14!!... Well, first for this baby (see Lessons in Patience for my NOT so great experience with the first). This one was a much better experience! First of all, this clinic is HIGH TECH! At only 6 weeks they only had to do an abdominal ultrasound to see our 7.9mm bean AND hear the heartbeat at 122 bpm!  This is a big deal because it’s rare to see the baby at 6 weeks without doing a transvaginal ultrasound, and even more rare to hear the heartbeat that early. It was music to my ears! Adam couldn’t be there because he was at work, and since we weren’t telling anyone he couldn’t weasel his way out (plus I wasn’t really expecting to see much). Hopefully he’ll be at the next one!
Our little bean!

Due Date: 7/7/14!!

The baby is the size of: a sweet pea!! Which is roughly 0.25in… our sweet pea was 0.3in (yay! I can already attest that our little one wasn’t below the 25th percentile it’s entire life like its mom!)
"You might be coping with full-blown pregnancy symptoms (sorry), but there's plenty of good news too. Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form what will eventually become one adorable face. In addition, her kidneys, liver, and lungs are developing, and her heart is now beating 80 times a minute (and getting faster every day). All this and she's still no bigger than the length of a nail head (about a quarter of an inch) from crown to rump!"

Gender: Starting to think maybe a boy? I’m getting boy vibes… and my sister is helping me with names… Although, some of those names are making me hope for a girl… Slade? Really Melissa?! Baby, not heavy metal band...

Symptoms: Serious breast tenderness, major nausea (and I call BS on “morning sickness”.. it’s ALL day!), bloating

Sleep: As much as I can to ignore the nausea. I’m also pretty much tired all the time so it’s not an issue.

Cravings: Nothing sounds good, but the only things I can keep down are cheese and crackers (Gouda is Goud-a!), grapes, oranges and chocolate Boost (yep, you heard me… gotta get some kind of nutrition in me eventhough the ingredients label makes me cringe). I actually ate pizza on Friday night, but I had to remove the cheese… crazy talk, I know.
My set up every morning:

Food Aversions: EVERYTHING sounds awful, but seeing any kind of meat (even in a commercial) makes me want to lose my insides.

Total Weight Gain: 0lbs... I don't know why I even post this yet... I really shouldn't be gaining yet, and since I'm not really wanting to eat I don't expect the scale to move..

Activity: haha.. that’s funny… poor Lola. If I can make it from the bed (or toilet) to the couch, it’s a good day. 

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